Nueva estafa a los usuarios de la banca por Internet del U.S. Bank

19 de Enero de 2004

Se repite la posible estafa en la banca por Internet, por el metodo de envío masivo de mails que simula ser un correo del propio banco, esta vez es el U.S. Bank.

Si recibe este mail estará ante una posible estafa;

From: U.S. Bank
To: [e-mail destinatario]
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 3:44 AM
Subject: Alerta de correo no deseado: Your account at U.S. Bank has been suspended.

Dear U.S. Bank account holder, 

We regret to inform you, that we had to block your U.S. Bank account because we have been notified that your account may have been compromised by outside parties.

Our terms and conditions you agreed to state that your account must always be under your control or  those you designate at all times.
We have noticed some activity related to your account that indicates that other parties may have  access and or control of your information in your account.

These parties have in the past been involved with money laundering, illegal drugs, terrorism and various Federal Title 18 violations. 
In order that you may access your account we must verify your identity by clicking on the link below. 

Please be aware that until we can verify your identity no further access to your account will be  allowed and we will have no other liability for your account or any transactions that may have occurred as a result of your failure to reactivate your account as instructed below.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Before you reactivate your account, all payments have been frozen, and you will not be able to use  your account in any way until we have verified your identity.

El enlace,
realmente no va a este destino, se aprovecha de la vulnerabilidad "Internet Explorer URL Spoofing Vulnerability" para engañar al usuario y hacer que introduzca sus datos en la página web trampa de los estafadores, por fortuna muchos usuarios ya saben de este tipo de estafas y no introducen sus datos.

Ejemplo del Código:

Incluso el remitente del correo recibido es de;

Para aprender a detectar este tipo de estafa la Asociación de Internautas ha facilitado a los usuarios de la banca por Internet unas pautas de seguridad.

Normas de Seguridad para acceder a la banca por Internet

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